More ways to make a positive impact on people and planet

Our strategy builds on our decades-long experience in sustainability and guides the evolution of ESG at Minto.


Acting as responsible stewards of the environment

As a resource-intensive industry, we know that every action we take impacts the environment. By minimizing waste, reducing water and energy consumption, lowering carbon emissions, and investing in renewable energy and innovation, we act as responsible stewards of the environment - working hard to find new ways to meet the highest possible standards.


Reduce water and energy use throughout our portfolio
Increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions by setting targets for new development projects Improve new and existing buildings through integration of new technology
Measure and reduce embodied carbon in new developments
Expand installation of renewable energy technologies
Increase employee ESG competency by expanding training and communication among staff and prioritizing relevant ESG competencies in recruitment 
Identify and address any systemic inequities to promote diversity and inclusion
Explore best practices for collection of employee diversity data 
Support resident well-being through core health and well-being features and procedures
Engage residents through programs to build connections, drive change, and cultivate partnerships 
Strengthen community impact by defining the focus and future approach for community engagement, giving, and volunteering 

Building safe and vibrant places to live and work

As an employer, homebuilder, and landlord, we understand the deep responsibility we have to the people whose lives we touch. We find more ways to invest in the needs of our employees and communities and then work on building safe and vibrant places for them to live and work.



A commitment to ethical, transparent and accountable practices

Safeguarding the future of our business is in our DNA. By investing in effective governance, ethical practices, and infrastructure, we are doing more to ensure our business remains strong and resilient.


Assess the physical and transition risks of climate change for our property portfolio 
Design new projects for resilience to extreme weather events
Update emergency response and business continuity plans 
Enhance ESG requirements in procurement to ensure support for Minto’s ESG priorities 
Strengthen cybersecurity program through effective security management practices and controls 
Implement a strategy for building certification/ verification 

"Our sustainability leadership role began back in the 1960’s, as one of the first builders to champion the use of efficient, high-quality pre-fab framing in Ontario and has continued including milestones like our construction of the first LEED Gold-certified condominium building in 2007. Our commitment to people and the planet is not just part of our history. It’s a strong commitment we make for the future."

Dan Dixon,
Senior Vice President,
Corporate Affairs

Benefits of green

To build on our legacy, we must continue to ask ourselves: How can we leave the world better than we found it? When we work together in our communities to live a more sustainable life, the benefits are something we can all enjoy.

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Third party assurance

Minto uses third-party building validations to demonstrate that we’ve delivered a superior product. A high performance home also translates into higher efficiency  while also helping to reduce environmental impact.

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Living green

There’s a lot you can do to reduce your environmental footprint while enjoying your home or rental apartment. Read on for some tips on how we can all work a little harder to save the planet (and some money, too!)

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Our Key Initiatives

Our mission to build better places to live means we must recognize the impact we have on the environment and on people. Explore our Key Initiatives to see the progress we are making towards our goals.