Minto Completes Two Decarbonization Feasibility Studies in 2023

LIVE Minto | 2024-06-07

Global commitments and regulatory obligations are demanding a transition away from carbon-intensive energy systems to reduce environmental impact. At Minto, we’re committed to meeting these demands and ensuring we’re in a good position to advocate and drive change within our industry.

In 2023, we completed two decarbonization feasibility studies with Rathco ENG for both low-rise and high-rise projects across Canada, building on the five studies completed in 2022 and three studies completed in 2021.

What is a decarbonization feasibility study?

A decarbonization feasibility study is the analysis of a wide range of energy source scenarios for a given project and/or product type. It involves looking at the business-as-usual scenario and comparing it to lower carbon alternatives such as air source heat pumps, dual fuel hybrid heating/cooling, geoexchange systems, all-electric systems, and waste water heat recovery. It attempts to cover all aspects including capital cost, energy cost, lifecycle impacts, installation, maintenance, customer experience, and expectations.
These studies help us better understand the challenges and opportunities renewable energy solutions present and are crucial to building internal knowledge, awareness, and experience with emerging technologies and systems. In addition, conducting feasibility studies helps mitigate risk and ensure we’re not reliant on the transition of the energy grid, which is largely out of our control.
Studies Completed to Date:
2023 ●  Wastewater heat recovery at a high-rise community in Toronto
●  All-electric scenario at a low-rise site outside Toronto
●  Community-scale geo-exchange at a low-rise site outside Toronto 
●  Community-scale solar photovoltaic study at a low-rise site outside of Calgary
●  Geoexchange feasibility for 3 high-rise communities in the GTA
2021 ●  Community solar PV at a low-rise site outside of Calgary
●  Geoexchange feasibility for a high-rise community in Toronto
●  A wide range of scenarios at a high-rise community in Toronto

2023 Decarbonization Feasibiliy Studies: Objectives and Findings

The objective for completing these studies was to better understand the opportunities and challenges of all scenarios on various project typologies which is crucial for building internal knowledge and experience.

Study #1 Highlights 

Wastewater heat recovery was found capable of providing more than 90% of space heating for a high-rise community, but significant hurdles still exist in implementing this kind of solution including right-of-way concerns, contractual agreements with the municipality, and construction schedule impacts.

Study #2 Highlights 

An all-electric scenario looked very promising for a low-rise site, however, local constraints related to the electrical grid pose concerns. Findings will be taken forward to determine viability in locations where specific grid constraints may not be present.
"Conducting feasibility studies on numerous renewable energy solutions across a wide range of project types puts Minto in a position to make strategic decisions in the transition to low carbon energy systems. This knowledge will allow Minto to advocate for the reduction of barriers while building internal capacity and experience." - Carl Pawlowski, Senior Manager, Sustainability
Increased advocacy and awareness around the implementation challenges are needed to support this transition. We look forward to staying ahead of the curve and accelerating the adoption of low-carbon solutions by completing additional studies in 2024.