
Girl scrolling on her phone

6 reasons we love 1VALET

Have you heard of 1VALET? We're excited to be partnering with them and bringing their innovative technology to our properties, both new and old. Take a look at 6 reasons why we love 1VALET at our properties [...]

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Colourful apartment balconies

10 great reasons to rent right now

Looking to change up where you live and wondering if renting is right for your lifestyle? Check out this list we’ve pulled together with 10 great reasons why renting is a good idea right now […]

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Plant in window with partly open curtains

5 quick tips to soundproof your apartment

Can you hear your neighbour’s music, conversations in the hallway, or cars honking outside your window? We can all agree these are unwanted (and annoying) sounds. Here are 5 quick ways to reduce noise in your apartment today […]

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outdoor pool with white hydrangeas around it

8 apartment amenities that make life that much better

One of the best things about renting an apartment? The amenities, of course! Having access to extra features that you’d otherwise have to pay a premium for, is all kinds of amazing. Though not all buildings are created equal, here’s a list of 8 amenities that make rental life that much better [...]

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White couch with furry pillows and pink blanket

Our 4-step guide to decorating your first apartment

With 48 apartment buildings in cities across Canada, you could say we know a thing or two about setting up your first place. From artwork to furniture to everything in between, our handy guide will help you plan what you need to decorate it just so – and make the most of your square footage (and budget) [...]

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two mature adults toasting in kitchen

The upside to downsizing

Thinking it’s time to move on from a larger home to more compact living? We’re here to help! Downsizing doesn’t have to be stressful – it can be downright joyful. Read on to find out how […]

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