
Girl watering little green plant

10 easy plants your apartment needs right now

Terrible plant parent? Give your green thumb one more shot with our must-read apartment plant guide. Let us show you exactly where 10 easy-to-take-care-of plants that can survive and thrive in your apartment [...]

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5 summer wellness tips for apartment dwellers

When the temperature soars, be sure to keep your health and wellness top of your mind with these 5 summer wellness tips for apartment dwellers [...]

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couple sitting and looking out the window

The upside of spending so much time in your apartment

We’re here to let you know there’s an upside to all that time spent in your apartment. From rethinking to re-moving to re-decorating, this time of pause is a great opportunity to re-evaluate your space (and set you up nicely for when this is all over) […]

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person sitting out on nicely decorated balcony

How to boost your mood while staying in

Are you a little all over the place right now? Taking care of yourself both mentally and physically is always important, but even more so now that we’re home all the time. Take a look at these 6 tips to help ensure your brain stays in good shape while staying in […]

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dog lying on floor with plants all around it

How to care for outdoor plants indoors

That undeniable chill in the air means it’s time to hunker down and head indoors for the colder months. It also means potted plants that relied on warm sunshine and rain all spring and summer need a cozy place to crash, too. Before your favourite perennials and herbs succumb to the changing climate, follow these easy tips to give them the TLC they need to make it through […]

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Small space plants

Best small space plants for a peaceful home

While we’re home more often, now is the time to create calm in your space (and keep your air clean) with Mother Nature’s bounty of beautiful plants. Here’s a list of the best 6 plants to add just the right amount of Zen to your small space […]

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girl and cat on yoga mats on wood floor

5 best workouts to do at home

We know that not being able to go to your favourite gym or studio right now is downright hard. Have you been searching for ways to stay fit and get your energy out while you’re staying home? We’ve got you covered with these five workouts to get your heart pumping and body moving at home […]

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white and clean kitchen in Rockhill apartments in Montreal

How to sanitize your apartment properly

With all that’s going on around the world with COVID-19, everyone is trying their best to stay healthy. We’ve done research on the best ways to sanitize our apartments, keeping in mind all the small details we may not think about. Read on for effective home cleaning tips […]

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Workout in small space - girl stretching on bedroom floor

4 Workouts you can do in a small space

Not everyone needs (or can afford) a fancy gym membership to stay active. We’ve compiled a list of at home workouts you can do right in your own living room – with very little space - equipment optional! [...]

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